

The following video provides a wide introduction about the Midwest. You will first watch a short introduction of the Midwest, followed by history and economics in the Midwest. You will find out why agriculture is very important in the Midwest.

Topics covered: Agriculture, States and Capitals.

This video is about maps! You will find information that explain the political and physical maps of the Midwest in the USA. The video will also provide fun facts about the climate, population, and economic maps in the Midwest in contrast to the USA.

Topics covered: Weather Patterns, Rivers and Lakes, States and Capitals.

In this video you will learn about Midwest geography. You will watch a short introduction to geography followed by the great plains, plateaus, rivers and lakes, valleys, rocks, and then geography of a few states including Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, and South Dakota.

Topics covered: Rivers and Lakes, National Parks, States and Capitals.

This video is the second part of the previous video. You will continue learning about geography of other states that are part of the Midwest, North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kansas, Indian, and Illinois.

Topics covered: Rivers and Lakes, National Parks, States and Capitals.

This is a video about the most important cities in the Midwest. You will learn some history and fun facts about some cities including Chicago, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Twin Cities, and some cities in the Dakotas, Ohio, and Iowa.

Topics covered: Rivers and Lakes, National Parks, States and Capitals.

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