Leveled Questions with Answers

Costa's Levels of Thinking and Questioning

Level 1:

What are some of the major cities located in the Midwest region?

  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Detroit, Michigan
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Columbus, Ohio

Name two famous rivers that flow through the Midwest.

  • The Mississippi River and the Missouri River

What are some agricultural products commonly grown in the Midwest?

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat

Level 2:

Why do you think farming is such an important industry in the Midwest?

  • The Midwest region features fertile soil, plenty of rainfall, and long growing seasons, ideal for cultivating crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat.
  • Agriculture contributes to billions of dollars in profits and provides many employment opportunities.
  • The Midwest is known for its family farms that have been part of  the culture and history for generations.

How do the Great Lakes affect the weather in the region?

  • The Great Lakes influence precipitation patterns. As warm air masses move over the cooler lake water, they pick up moisture, leading to increased snowfall in winter (lake-effect snow) and rainfall throughout the year.
  • The Great Lakes can influence the clouds and impact the amount of sunshine received in the region. This can affect plant growth.

Compare and contrast the lifestyles of people living in urban and rural areas of the Midwest.

  • Urban:
    • Cities offer easier access to various amenities like public transportation, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and diverse entertainment options.
    • Urban areas are more densely populated.
    • Urban areas generally have a higher cost of living compared to rural areas.
  • Rural:
    • Rural areas typically offer a slower pace of life and closer connection to nature.
    • Rural areas generally have a lower cost of living compared to urban areas, particularly regarding housing and land.

Level 3:

Imagine you are planning a road trip across the Midwest. What are some interesting places you would like to visit and why?

The Midwest has numerous cities and National Parks that would make a trip interesting. Some parks include the Badlands in South Dakota, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and the Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota.
Some cities include Chicago, known for its pizza, museums, and parks. St. Louis, Missouri where the Mississippi and Missouri river meet, and Kansas City, Missouri, well known for its BBQ. 

Compare the Midwest to another region in the United States. What are the similarities and differences?

  • The Midwest vs the Southeast:
  • The Midwest geography is mostly flat plains with lots of farmland and freshwater lakes. The Southeast has a more diverse landscape with mountains, beaches, and forests.
  • The Midwest relies heavily on agriculture and manufacturing. The Southeast relies on a diverse economy with tourism, agriculture, technology, and service industries.
  • Both regions experience four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  • Both regions have big cities and small towns.

Research a famous historical figure from the Midwest and explain their impact on the region's development.

President Abraham Lincoln:

  • He was the 16th President of the United States.
  • He was a President during the Civil War.
  • He help abolishing slavery and issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Lincoln's pursuit of equal rights continue to inspire generations today.

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